Dr. Yaz Headley


When we need to change
Change is a fundamental part of life, often becoming necessary when we feel dissatisfied or unhappy. Many clients come to me because they're unhappy—unhappy with their relationships, their sense of self, their careers, or their life direction. This dissatisfaction signals a deep need for change. Without addressing it, people risk sinking deeper into depression and […]
Dealing with a breakup.
Dealing with the aftermath of a breakup can often leave us trapped in a cycle of obsessive thoughts, making it challenging to move forward. It can be very hard to say goodbye. However, acknowledging these thoughts as a natural part of the healing process is the first step toward regaining your emotional equilibrium. Here are […]
Active Love: Seeking Companionship in a World of Eight Billion.
Relationships can offer companionship and a shared experience of life, creating a sense of pleasure and fulfilment when managed well. Navigating relationships can be complex and sometimes overwhelmingly challenging. They may seem impossible, frustrating, or even nightmarish at times. However, this perspective only captures part of the spectrum of what relationships can also offer. They […]

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